November 2016: Friends of Riverbend Park presented with the Elly Doyle Park Service Award by Fairfax County Park Authority!
May 3, 2018: Friends of Riverbend Park (FORB) and Fairfax County Park Authority (FCPA) sign Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) at Riverbend Park Visitors' Center. MOU-FORB-FCPA-050318.pdf
left to right: Tim Hackman, FCPA Dranesville District Board Member; Kirk Kincannon, Executive Director of FCPA; Hugh Morrow III, President of FORB; John Hughes-Caley, FORB Director; John Callow, Riverbend Park Manager
November 2019: FORB Board of Directors elections: Eleanor Anderson, Kevin Dillon and Susan Keating elected to three-year terms as Directors of the Friends of Riverbend Park.